These will represent the actual panels or slots that are available on myDAQ. The template, once open, will have two connecting slots: the myDAQ right slot and the myDAQ bottom terminals. (Multisim needs to be installed prior to the installation of the DAQmx software) Troubleshooting: If you can’t find the template, reinstall DAQmx. This can be found in Multisim main toolbar at File>New>NI myDAQ Designįigure 1: Launching the NI myDAQ Design Template You can access myDAQ instrumentation in Multisim by opening the “NI myDAQ Design” template. The exercises also require the use of a breadboard, a capacitor (.1uF), a resistor (1kohm), and wires. The user should have all the components installed in this specific order: LabVIEW, Circuit Design Suite, DAQmx. Also, this document requires the installation of the myDAQ Software Suite.
To replicate the exercises in this document, the user needs to have myDAQ plugged in.